
CitrineTM MS/MS in vitro Medical Device Analytical Performance



The Citrine MS/MS system is intended to identify inorganic or organic compounds in human specimens. In this collection of app notes, SCIEX proudly showcases the performance of the Citrine MS/MS in vitro Medical Device System, demonstrating its analytical performance, and capability to deliver reproducible results without operator intervention.

This eBook illustrates the analytical performance of the Citrine MS/MS system in identifying numerous inorganic and organic compounds from matrices such as hair, serum and urine, with methods, results and conclusions for a full picture.

This eBook provides the user with analytical performance data sheets for analyzing the following compounds in human specimens:

  • Aldosterone
  • Total testosterone
  • Drug compounds in urine
  • THC-COOH in hair
  • Steroids and water soluble vitamins